Get to Know...Dominique Elissa!

We sat down with our gorgeous model Dominique Elissa, to ask her a few questions so you can get to know the face behind G&H a little better!

How did you get into modelling?
I was scouted when I was 15 and then I kind of did it on and off - I wasn’t sure if I liked it. I then started using Instagram after school and then my agency Chic found me on there and I started loving it, getting to travel, meet new people. It was really the best job and yeah! I’m so grateful to do it.
What is your must-have beauty product?
Honestly, just good ol’ fashion Paw Paw cream. I love it on my lips, on my eyelids, if I have any dry spots. I get bad eczema so it really helps with that as well.
Funniest on-set moment?
I shot for Samsung Korea once, and we had to wear wedding dresses on the sand dunes. We were in high heels, wedding dresses running all around and it was so chaotic! Being in the sand in heels just doesn’t work and I guess all you could do was laugh, it was just so out there and crazy!
How do you stay energetic with such a busy schedule?
I do exercise everyday, I drink heaps of water, I make sure I get 8 hours of sleep and I always will journal - either in the morning or the evening. [I do this to] set my intentions, clear my head and to just make sure I'm productive and in the best mood I can be!