• All Pre-Order items are not currently in stock and will not be dispatched until they arrive.
  • All expected delivery dates are estimates and items may arrive early or late.
  • If a Pre-Order is more than 5 business days late, we will send you an email to inform you of the new expected arrival date.
  • All items will be dispatched as quickly as possible from the date they arrive. Usually this is within the first 24 hours.
  • All Pre-Order items will be dispatched with Standard Post.
  • We do not currently have the ability to send multiple dispatch emails so you will receive an email for your first order but not for any additional deliveries on the same order. We do have all tracking numbers recorded, so if you would like an update on your order, please email, phone or live chat us and we will be able to provide you with more info.
  • Pre-orders are not able to be refunded or exchanged prior to delivery.
  • If you order in-stock items along with a Pre-Order item(s), all currently in-stock items will be dispatched immediately with your chosen shipping option. All following Pre-Order items will be dispatched separately via Standard Post free of charge, as soon as they arrive.
  • You have 21 days from date of receipt to return your item for an exchange or credit note.